Google Remarketing will show your ads to customers and visitors who have been on your site. When people leave your site without buying anything, Google Remarketing helps you to link them back to their website by displaying relevant ads across their different devices.

Why choose Google Remarketing?

A powerful tool – Users will get fewer ads more adapted to them, unlike first-time visitors.
Lower cost-per-click – Remarketing campaigns have a higher clickthrough rate than regular display ad campaigns. The people you target are already familiar with the service or product. Therefore, they are much more likely to click on your ad

Remarketing results in high conversion rates – The ultimate goal of internet marketing, regardless of industry, is to get some kind of interaction from the end user. Whether it’s through a form signature, a document download or an online sale, we want the user to engage. Someone who has already visited a product or service on your website is a step further in the buying cycle. These users are far more likely to take the next step than a new visitor.

Graphics and Brand Consciousness – A Remarketing Campaign can show your ads with custom graphics that can appeal more to the end user. You have the option to add a logo to this graphic that will associate a brand with your service.